Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Example Usage Activity on Android App

Example Usage Activity on Android App

In this tutorial, we will learn the cycle of activity in android application. Follow the steps below.
1. Create a new project, in this tutorial I use a package com.teknorial.lifecycle. If you do not understand how to make the project diandroid studio, I recommend reading this article Creating Android in Android Studio Project
2. Modification file as described below.
Here are the contents file, in this file are those methods callbacks that explains the life cycle (life cycle). Method Log.d () is used to generate a message log.

package com.teknorial.lifecycle;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    String status = "Android: ";
    /**Method ini pertama kali dipanggil ketika activity pertama dimulai.*/
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(status, "The onCreate() event");
    /**Method ini dipanggil ketika activity sudah terlihat pada user. */
    protected void onStart(){
        Log.d( status,"The onStart() event");
    /**Method ini dipanggil ketika activity mulai berinteraksi dengan user.*/
    protected void onResume(){
        Log.d(status, "The onResume() event");
    /**Method ini Dipanggil ketika activity berhenti sementara tidak menerima inputan user 
      dan tidak mengeksekusi kode apapun.*/
    protected void onPause(){
        Log.d(status,"The onPause() event ");
    /**Method ini dipanggil ketika activity sudah tidak terlihat pada user.*/
    protected void onStop(){
        Log.d(status,"The onStop() event");
    /**Method ini dipanggil sebelum sebuah activity dimatikan (di destroy).*/
    protected void onDestroy(){
        Log.d(status,"The onDestroy() event");

 Now we try to run the application to see the life cycle or lifecycle, in this tutorial I use the default nexus of android emulator studio.
If our application is already running in the emulator, we can see the message log of LogCat in android studio
android lifecycle

Lets Try clicking the home button on the emulator


then LogCat will produce the impression of a log as follows:
05-09 13:39:12.608    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onPause() event
05-09 13:39:12.643    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onStop() event
 If we re-opened our application, LogCat will generate log messages such as the following:
05-09 13:43:22.174    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onStart() event
05-09 13:43:22.174    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onResume() event
Furthermore, we try to re-press the back button,
Back button lollipop
then LogCat will generate log messages such as the following:

05-09 13:44:23.041    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onPause() event
05-09 13:44:28.520    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onStop() event
05-09 13:44:28.520    5751-5751/com.teknorial.lifecycle D/Android﹕ The onDestroy() event
 Thus Articles Knowing Activity on Android App. Keep up to know many things about android. Do not forget to Like Teknorial FansPage on Facebook and Google Plus to get the latest updates from If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask dikotak comment. Thanks 🙂


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